How to Report Fraud in Texas

To report fraud in the state of Texas, start with the Attorney General, Better Business Bureau or contact the local municipal, state or Federal regulators most likely to have answers to your questions.

Texas Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General: Greg Abbott


PO Box 12548

Austin, TX 78711-2548

Phone: 512-463-2100

Toll-free: 800-621-0508

Consumer Protection Division

File a Consumer Complaint

Consumer Protection Hotline: 800-621-0508 (toll free)

Texas Consumer Complaints

Federal Trade Commission, Texas office location in Dallas (covers all of Texas)

100 N. Central Expressway, Suite 500

Dallas, TX 75201


FTC’s Identity Theft Site

For a consumer complaint form call the Consumer Protection Division at 800-621-0508 or file a consumer complaint on line.

Report Insurance Fraud in Texas

Toll-Free Hotline: 1-888-327-8818

Consumer Online Form for Reporting Insurance Fraud

Insurance Company Online Form for Reporting Insurance Fraud

Texas FBI Field Offices, Mortgage Fraud

White Collar Crime Supervisor

One Justice Way

Dallas, TX 75220

Phone: 972-559-5000

White Collar Crime Supervisor

660 South Mesa Hills Drive

El Paso, TX 79912-5533

Phone: 915-832-5000

White Collar Crime Supervisor

2500 E. T. C. Jester

Houston, TX 77008-1300

Phone: 713-693-5000

White Collar Crime Supervisor

U.S. Post Office Courthouse Bldg.

615 E. Houston Street, Suite 200

San Antonio, TX 78205-9998

Phone: 210-225-6741

HUD Field Offices

Dallas Field Office

525 Griffin Street, Room 860

Dallas, TX 75202-5032

Phone: 214-767-8300

Fax: 214-767-8973

Houston Field Office

1301 Fannin, Suite 2200

Houston, TX 77002

Phone: 713-718-3199

Fax: 713-313-2319

Lubbock Field Office

1205 Texas Avenue, Room 511

Lubbock, TX 79401-4093

Phone: 806-472-7265

Fax: 806-472-7275

San Antonio Field Office

One Alamo Center

106 South St. Mary’s Street, Suite 405

San Antonio, Texas 78205-3625

Phone: 210-475-6806

Fax: 210-472-6804

HUD Regional Office

Ft. Worth Regional Office

801 Cherry Street

PO Box 2905

Ft. Worth, TX 76102-2905

Phone: 817-978-5965

Fax: 817-978-5567

State of Texas, Office of Consumer Credit

Consumer Complaint Form

2601 N. Lamar Boulevard

Austin, TX 78705

Phone: 512-936-7600 or 800-538-1579 (toll free)

Fax: 512-936-7610

Nationally Chartered Credit Union

Region IV – Austin

4807 Spicewood Springs Rd., Suite 5200

Austin, TX 78759-8490

Phone: 512-342-5600

Fax: 512-342-5620

State-Chartered Credit Unions

Texas Credit Union Department

914 East Anderson Lane

Austin, TX 78751-1699

Phone: 512-837-9236

Fax: 512-832-0278

Savings & Loan Association or Savings Bank

Office of Thrift Supervision

Consumer Complaints and Inquiries

Email: [email protected]

Midwest Region – Dallas

225 E. John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 500

Irving, Texas 75062-2326

Phone: 972-277-9500

Complaints: 800-842-6929

National Fair Housing Alliance

National Contact: E-mail: [email protected]

1212 New York Avenue, NW Ste 525

Washington, DC 2005

Phone: 202-898-1661

Fax: 202-371-9744

Texas Real Estate Commission

P.O. Box 12188

Austin, TX 78711-2188

Phone: 512-459-6544

Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board

P.O. Box 12188

Austin, TX 78711-2188

Phone: 512-465-3950

Texas Better Business Bureau (BBB)

Better Business Bureau of Abilene

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 325-691-1533

Fax: 325-691-0309

3300 S. 14th St., Ste. 307

Abilene TX 79605-5052

Better Business Bureau of Amarillo

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 806-379-6222

Fax: 806-379-8206

720 S. Tyler St., Ste. B112

Amarillo TX 79101

Better Business Bureau of Brazos Valley

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 979-260-2222

Fax: 979-846-0276

418 Tarrow

College Station TX 77840

Better Business Bureau of Central & South Central Texas

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 512-445-2911

Fax: 512-445-2096

1005 La Posada Drive

Austin TX 78752

Better Business Bureau of Central & South Central Texas

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 254-755-7772

Fax: 254-755-7774

2210 Washington Avenue

Waco TX 76701-1019

Better Business Bureau of Central & South Central Texas

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 210-828-9441

Fax: 210-828-3101

1800 Northeast Loop 410, Ste. 400

San Antonio TX 78217-5296

Better Business Bureau of Central East Texas

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 903-581-5704

Fax: 903-534-8644

3600 Old Bullard Rd., #103-A

Tyler TX 75701

Better Business Bureau of Central Louisiana & the Ark-La-Tex

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 318-222-7575

Fax: 318-222-7576

401 Edwards St., Ste. 135

Shreveport LA 71101

Better Business Bureau of El Paso

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 915-577-0191

Fax: 915-577-0209

221 N. Kansas, Ste. 1101

El Paso TX 79901

Better Business Bureau of Ft. Worth

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 817-332-7585

Fax: 817-882-0566

101 Summit Ave., Ste. 707

Fort Worth TX 76102-5978

Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan Dallas

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 214-220-2000

Fax: 214-740-0321

1601 Elm St., Suite 3838

Dallas TX 75201

Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan Houston

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 713-868-9500

Fax: 713-867-4947

1333 W. Loop South, Ste. 1200

Houston TX 77027

Better Business Bureau of North Central Texas

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 940-691-1172

Fax: 940-691-1175

4245 Kemp Blvd., Ste. 900

Wichita Falls TX 76308-2830

Better Business Bureau of San Angelo

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 325-949-2989

Fax: 325-949-3514

3134 Executive Drive, Ste. A

San Angelo TX 76902-3366

Better Business Bureau of South Texas

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 956-968-3678

Fax: 956-968-7638

2110 West 6th Street

Weslaco TX 78596

Better Business Bureau of Southeast Texas

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 409-835-5348

Fax: 409-838-6858

550 Fannin Street, Suite 100

Beaumont TX 77710-2011

Better Business Bureau of the Coastal Bend

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 361-852-4949

Fax: 361-885-0628

101 N. Shoreline Blvd., Ste. #216

Corpus Christi TX 78401

Better Business Bureau of the Permian Basin

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 432-563-1880

Fax: 432-561-5506

10100 County Road 118 West

Midland TX 79711-0206

Internet Crime Complaint Center

IC3’s mission is to serve as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding
the rapidly expanding arena of cyber crime. The IC3 gives the victims of cyber crime a convenient and
easy-to-use reporting mechanism that alerts authorities of suspected criminal or civil violations.
For law enforcement and regulatory agencies at the federal, state, local and international level, IC3
provides a central referral mechanism for complaints involving Internet related crimes.

Better Business Bureau

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) system in the U.S. extends across the nation; coast-to-coast, and in
Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico. Since the founding of the first BBB in 1912, the BBB system has proven
that the majority of marketplace problems can be solved fairly through the use of voluntary self-regulation
and consumer education.

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kenneth gibbons
9 years ago

received a check in mail for a substantial amt called the insurance co it was from. they said it was a fraudulent check. the check was sent by priority mail. I have check and envelope it was sent in. does any want these materials to find out who is doing this?

Samuel Walker
8 years ago

Someone put a house in their name using my social security number and I would like to find out how I can get this problem resolved

8 years ago

I received an oil and filter change from a national chain last summer & last week. The first time the oil looked muddy and I worried about an engine problem; last week I checked the dip stick when I picked up the vehicle: the bottom quart of the dip stick showed old oil, the top portion of the dip stick showed new oil.
Is there a Texas agency which could inspect (similar to gasoline station pump certification) other aspects of Texas’s public vehicle services?

brenda g Ferguson Jones
7 years ago

I was subject of fraud. I for a call saying he was DEA and my grandson had been arrested, I need to get a report where I called you guys. I have moved since then and cannot find who I spoke with there in your office. Help

Rosalia Neurath
7 years ago

My husband was lured into bying a business in order to get an Investors Visa. He paid more than four times the amount than the sellers had paid for that business two years in advance. Of course that business was down and went more down after my husband tried to make it run for almost two years. He lost all of our money and almost two years after having it purchased people in town told him they felt guilty because they did not warn him about the couple who sold to him. Especially the husband is well known for Fraud and theft but no one dares to do anything against him. Would we have a Chance to make him pay and become convicted?

Nancy Hennis
7 years ago

received phone bill from MCI Jacksonvile Florida, a part of Verizon, letter suspicious
two charges for same time and place of call made. Also, when called number given
no ID made of company, just billing service, leave phone number and they will return call.
I am trying to locate to whom this should be reported?

Yvette martinez
7 years ago

Iam trying to report some one that is getten checks for two of her children out of four that i know of she han not had kids since aug 24 2017 but still useing their checks for sept in oct.they are in foster care .for abusive from and her home .courts trying to give to father now.still going to court.she is useing their money for her own use not for do i report it.thank you.